I create objects and spaces that help people to grow through play. During my time in the Engineering Psychology (Human Factors) program at Tufts University I gained the technical skills to assess different populations' needs and design for them, complimenting my natural abilities to solve problems. I have a fascination with sensory perception—the mechanisms that connect the world and our understanding of it—and its ability to effect design. 

These days I am a Mechanical Engineer at Zola Electric where I have been part of an international team bringing power to sub Saharan Africa and other complex markets. Specifically I have been part of the small team responsible for the design and manufacturing of the new infinity power system.

Previously I studied the way young children play and use their imaginations as they work on making personally meaningful projects. My research examines how the physical scale of the objects we give children to build with effects what and how they make. To begin to answer this question I have developed a robot for children to program and ride.